The Veneer Studio


At The Veneer Studio we have a comprehensive range of solutions to help you get back that winning smile.


At The Veneer Studio we have a comprehensive range of solution to help you get back that winning smile.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from high-quality dental ceramic. These shells are meticulously designed to bond to the front surfaces of teeth, enhancing their appearance and addressing various cosmetic concerns.

The benefits of porcelain veneers include:

  • Reshape Teeth - Veneers can modify the shape and size of teeth, creating a more harmonious and balanced appearance.
  • Correct Uneven Teeth - Veneers can address irregularities in tooth length and shape, providing a uniform and symmetrical smile.
  • Mask Worn Enamel - Veneers can cover teeth with worn enamel, restoring their original length and appearance.
  • Close Small Gaps - Veneers can minimise small gaps between teeth, achieving a more compact and even smile.
  • Whiten Permanently Stained Teeth - For teeth resistant to traditional whitening methods, veneers can offer a permanently brighter shade.
  • Camouflage Minor Misalignments - While not a replacement for orthodontic treatment, veneers can improve the appearance of slightly misaligned teeth.
  • Enhance Dental Proportions - Veneers can enhance overall facial aesthetics by improving dental proportions in relation to lips, gums, and other facial features.
  • Boost Self-Confidence - Beyond the physical improvements, porcelain veneers can significantly boost self-esteem by providing patients with a transformed and dazzling smile.

At The Veneer Studio, our approach to smile design, especially when it comes to porcelain veneers, is deeply personal and centered around your unique aspirations. We understand that your smile is a reflection of your individuality, and that's why our process is tailor-made to ensure your vision becomes a reality. 

The Veneer Studio

If you'd like to find out more, we're happy to have a chat about the possibilities.

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Composite Bonding/Veneers

Composite bonding, also known as dental bonding, is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin material to the teeth to enhance their appearance. This versatile and minimally invasive treatment is used to address various aesthetic concerns, such as chips, cracks, gaps, discolorations, and even minor misalignments.

During the procedure, the dentist carefully applies the composite resin to the targeted areas, sculpting and shaping it to achieve the desired result. The process is precise and customisable, allowing the dentist to create a seamless blend with the natural teeth.

Composite bonding offers several advantages, including its relatively quick treatment time, cost-effectiveness compared to other cosmetic procedures, and minimal alteration of the natural tooth structure. With proper care, bonded teeth can retain their improved appearance for several years.

If you'd like to find out more, we're happy to have a chat about the possibilities.

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Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign™ Clear Aligners are a modern orthodontic solution that involves using virtually invisible, removable trays to gradually shift teeth into their desired positions. Unlike traditional braces, these aligners are made from transparent material, making them less noticeable when worn.

Invisalign™ treatment offers a more comfortable and discreet option for straightening teeth, allowing patients to maintain their daily routines with minimal disruption. The aligners are custom-made for each patient's teeth and are changed every few weeks to guide the teeth towards their final alignment.

At The Veneer Studio, we only use the most reputable and predictable clear aligner system: Invisalign™ Clear Aligners.


If you'd like to find out more, we're happy to have a chat about the possibilities.

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Full Mouth Rehabilitations

A full mouth rehabilitation is a comprehensive and customized dental treatment plan aimed at restoring the function, aesthetics, and overall health of the entire mouth.

This extensive procedure is typically recommended for individuals with multiple dental issues that affect the teeth, gums and the bite. It is often required where there is extensive wear on the teeth, which can result from factors like teeth grinding (bruxism), aging, acidic foods, and improper bite alignment. This wear can lead to not only compromised aesthetics but also functional issues such as difficulty in biting, chewing, and even speaking. In severe cases, it can contribute to jaw pain, sensitivity, and increased risk of fractures.

Full mouth rehabilitation seeks to restore the teeth to their proper form, function, and appearance. This not only alleviates discomfort and improves chewing and speaking but also rejuvenates the smile's natural beauty. A successful rehabilitation can dramatically enhance a person's quality of life by providing both functional comfort and renewed self-confidence.

If you'd like to find out more, we're happy to have a chat about the possibilities.

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